Visualising Learning Design

The Learning Design workshop led by Grainne Conole and supported by Jolanda de Villiers Morkel started with a live online meeting on 22nd April. Now its up to groups to engage in the learning activities which can bring out the usefulness of the 7Cs approach to our own design projects. Jolanda de Villers Morkel has sketched and shared a visual summary of the design process which communicates the trajectory and allows us to zoom in to some of the detail for each step.

A graphic take

Click on the image for a larger view.

Live meeting today: mLearning via GSM/Feature phones

You are invited to join us today for the mLearning via GSM/Feature phones live meeting, led by CEO of Christopher Pruijsen at 3 pm SAST (GMT+2). If you’re new to our Adobe Connect Sessions please follow the instructions at the end of this message!
In order to join this event please go to the Adobe Connect meeting room via

Please log in early using the Guest log in (Type in your name and choose Guest). When in the room: Please go to Meeting > Audio Setup Wizard to run the audio setup guide.

For new users:
Please run the connection test in advance using the following link: (Make sure the required plugin has been installed). When in the room: Please go to Meeting > Audio Setup Wizard to run the audio setup guide. If any problems please post here or mail to [email protected]

Digital Storytelling Workshop starting today

 Digital Storytelling for Higher Education runs from 18 – 26 March 2014 and is led by Jolanda de Villiers Morkel and Daniela Gachago, Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Cape Town, South Africa. There is still space for a few more colleagues to join the event. To join the first few days for a seminar experience or for the adventure of developing your own digital story please come directly to the e/merge Africa Digital Storytelling Facebook Group.

The programme for the workshop is:

18 03 2014: Participants watch selected CPUTs stories
19 03 2014: Webinar: Introduction to digital storytelling and Q&A session. (12.00-13.00)
20 03 2014: Webinar: Story circle (12.00-13.00)
21-24 03 2014: Script development, sharing of documents on Facebook group
24 03 2014: Feedback on stories
26 03 2014: Webinar: Sharing of digital stories (12.00-13.00)