Session format: Interactive immersion Session
Date and Time: 19 April 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm SAST
Leading the workshop: The e/merge Africa Team.
Description of the session:
In designing meetings, learning activities and workshops our most generative and productive experiences are found in the zone between the extremes of total control (which silences participants) and a complete absence of structure (thus no focus for shared engagement). Liberating structures are meeting processes designed to provide just enough structure to unleash the brilliance and creativity of a group of people. Liberating Structures were originally designed for face to face interaction and have been extensively applied to online engagement during the pandemic.
The e/merge Africa team will introduce the concept of Liberating Structures and facilitate a highly experiential workshop which features five structures, namely: Waterfall, Impromptu Networking, Spiral Journal, 1-2-4-All and Conversation Cafe’. The Liberating Structures website features 33 of the over 50 structures that have been developed.
To join this session please sign up via Zoom
The e/merge Africa Team
Tony Carr is an Educational Technologist in the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching at University of Cape Town and convenor of e/merge Africa.
Dr Alice Barlow-Zambodla is e/Merge Africa Network Regional Coordinator for Southern and East Africa
Jakob Pedersen is Project Manager for e/merge Africa, Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT), University of Cape Town
Irene Maweu is an Online Facilitator for e/merge Africa Facilitating Online Course
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/137699809709364
Resources: https://www.liberatingstructures.com/